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Audit History for SharePoint Menu Deployment Guide

Did you Know

By default, in SharePoint Online there is no way for a Site Collection Administrator, Power User, or Regular User to view audit entries at the item level where the document or folder resides. Audit entries or logs must be requested from a Security/Audit level user who runs a report through the Microsoft Security and Compliance Center. There are no user friendly ways to access audit information.

Our Solution:

The Audit History for SharePoint Menu solution solves this problem for you by exposing the ability to view an Item’s Audit History directly in the SharePoint Item’s menu.

In this guide we provide an overview of how to deploy ECM Insight’s “Audit History for SharePoint Menu” solution, this powerful solution allows you to retain and view your organization’s SharePoint Audit History directly from SharePoint Online.

Who is this guide for:

This guide acts as a how-to guide for a Company Administrator that wants to setup the Audit History for SharePoint Menu solution in SharePoint Online. This solution deployment is optional, this functionality is included as part of the Audit Vault for M365 solution.

Why enable:

You wish to expose and view SharePoint Item Audit History directly in SharePoint Online to empower your end users, power users and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to see the item history for documents and folders within SharePoint. Unlock the ability for your users to view audit history, identify zero-day permissions issues, and enable identification of unauthorized access and changes in SharePoint Online.


Below is a general list of pre-requisites you want to have ready in order to get started.

  • You have successfully configured Audit Vault for M365 for your organization and your Microsoft 365 Tenant.
  • You are ready to deploy the “Audit History for SharePoint Menu” solution in SharePoint Online.
  • If your account is not the Microsoft 365 Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator for your organization – please have your Microsoft 365 Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator ready to approve and install the “SharePoint Audit History” solution from the SharePoint Store.
  • Have around 10 minutes to read this guide and deploy the solution.


To deploy the “Audit History for SharePoint Menu” to SharePoint Online, please click here to visit our solution page on the Microsoft SharePoint Store (AppSource)

  1. The AppSource solution page displays information about the “Audit History for SharePoint Menu” solution.
  2. When ready to deploy click the “Get it now” button.
  3. You will be prompted to sign in with your existing Microsoft Account. Please proceed to sign-in with the account tied to the Organization and the Tenant you wish to deploy the solution to (sign-in using your normal Microsoft 365 credentials).
    • Note: This account will require your Microsoft Account to have Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator access to install and deploy via Microsoft AppSource.
    • You will be prompted to click “Get it now” to continue.
  4. Microsoft will redirect you to Microsoft 365 and the SharePoint App Catalog page.
    • Click “Add to Apps Site” button.
    • You will be prompted to confirm and grant access to the App.
      • Leave the default setting of “enable this app and add it to all sites” enabled.
    • Click “Add”
      • You will be prompted to approve access so this app works as designed.
        • Click “Go to API access page”
        • The API access page is display, under “Organization-wide” select each request by highlighting it, and then click Approve. A summary page is opened, click “Approve”.
    • Return to the SharePoint App Catalog page which should already be open from step 4.
      • If successful the Audit History for SharePoint Menu solution should show as “Added” and the message “Good news – all sites in your organization can use this app now” will be displayed.


The Audit History for SharePoint Menu solution has been deployed to all of your SharePoint Sites in Microsoft 365 (Office 365).

This means you can now access the “Audit History” option from the menu of a SharePoint Item (ex. document or folder). Your users now have the ability to view the audit history, identify zero-day permissions issues, and enable identification of unauthorized access and changes to their SharePoint documents or folders.

Note: There is a slight delay for when new audit log entry is available to be displayed based on your processing frequency settings specified in Audit Vault for M365. For example, if you have this set to 30-minute processing frequency, then it could take up to 30-minutes before the latest Audit History logs are available to be displayed. For awareness the last process time is always displayed in the SharePoint Audit History page that is displayed to the Users.


By default, in order to see the Audit History page results the current signed-in Microsoft 365 User must minimally have “SharePoint View/Read access” to the SharePoint Item. This means if a User does not have “View/Read Access” to an Item in SharePoint - they cannot access the Item’s corresponding “Audit History” page.

If your organization prefers to prevent regular Microsoft 365 Users from accessing the Audit History page results when they have “SharePoint View/Read access” you may instead restrict access to requiring Users to be part of the Audit Vault’s “Tenant Viewer” role. This would require the User to be a member of the Tenant’s Viewer Role or higher in Audit Vault for M365 in order to see the page.

In order to manage this setting, you need minimally Audit Vault for M365 Tenant Administrator role access. You may then manage this setting for your Tenant from within Audit Vault for M365 > Tenant > SharePoint Page > Edit SharePoint Audit History Page settings.

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